Thursday 15 September 2011

The Stealth Drop

Just so happens that this weeks readings and digital tools combine to make me seem like some sort of secret agent.

I can say I full appreciate William Turkel's desire for privacy while working on his super secret project. I too often prefer privacy for such matters. It's nice to seclude a clever idea from the world and to nurse it, making it truly your own design. By sheltering the idea from outside forces he gains a greater degree of control over it. Able to mold it and remold it in new and exciting ways. Of course, in so doing one runs the risk of never fully realizing the idea. With no outside forces invested, even on a cursory intellectual basis, there's no impetus to settle on the particulars. It could be the idea reworked thousands of times only to be taken to the deathbed, brilliant but unfinished. But hey, at least he'll never lose it due to a failure of his electronic devices.

The dropbox is a great device and I find it sad that I didnt have one when I was still on a desktop. Although, it's not at all surprising that someone on a desktop wouldn't be aware of useful digital devices. Simple to use and handy, it is a tool that should probably be a little more ubiquitous. Then again, the more popular something becomes the less likely it is to remain free and uncompromised.  I've already dropped all of my current work into a dropbox and can sleep that much easier at night.

I have to say that I already feel more intouch with my technological side. Now that I've finally gotten a push to become at least partially involved in coding (as basic as it is) and the digital realm maybe I can become that super l33t haxxor and take down some establishments. You can wreak havoc on the Man with a somwhat less than working knowledge of html, right?

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